Welcome to EPDs API Portal

Here you can find all APIs that are available in SIT within EPS Portal.

Sign in

1. Sign Up

- Press "Sign up" menu item
- Fill in all the required fields and press “Sign Up" button
- Follow the instructions from the email to verify your account

2. Sign In

- Press "Sign up" menu item
- Fill in Email/Password and Press Sign In

3. Add a subscription to the required product

- Press the Products menu item
- Click on the product link
- Add name of the subscription(any suitable for you) and press "Subscribe" button
- Waiting for the approval of the subscription (the corresponding email will be sent to your mailbox within the next 24 hours)

4. Try the API

- Sign In
- Open the API (click on "APIs" menu item or on the link in "APIs in the product" section on the related product page)
- Select an endpoint in the left section of the page (on the page will be displayed all related information connected to the endpoint)
- Press "Try it" button on the right side of the page (a new panel will be opened on right)
- Select the proper Subscription key and input Parameters (all required HTTP headers will be added automatically)
- To call the API: select HTTP in the dropdown (HTTP request section) and press "Send" button
- To generate the code: select the required programming language in the dropdown

5. Production integration

All APIs and Products which can be reached on the Developer Portal is Stage version of the APIs. It means that it is an exact copy of the production API with slight differences in available data. The API can and should be used during the integration development process. To use the production version of the API please send the official request to sofia.kubalski@environdec.com to get the API URL and the subscription key.

Onboarding tutorial